MyChoice - the gold-standard HRD test validated
for use in local pathology labs

MyChoice – first validated HRD test used successfully in local lab

Homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) testing is key to guiding precision medicine decisions for women with ovarian cancer.1 Now, one real-world study has validated the use of Myriad Genetics’ MyChoice CDx Plus HRD Companion Diagnostic Test in a decentralized setting2, potentially broadening access to crucial genetic insights for more patients worldwide.

Testimonial from Sylvette Delee, M.D., Director of International Medical Affairs, Myriad Genetics

"High concordance of the Myriad GIS in a local laboratory is an important milestone to optimize access for both patients and physicians to the gold standard assay."

— Sylvette Delee, M.D., Director of International Medical Affairs, Myriad Genetics

Published in the Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, the study by Denkert et al. compared HRD status and genomic instability score (GIS) results from over 500 tumor samples assessed in parallel at the Philipps-Universität Marburg lab and the central diagnostic lab of Myriad Genetics in Salt Lake City, U.S.

Concordance for HRD between
central and local laboratory

Highlights from this key study include:

  • Decentralized validation of the first-in-class clinically validated HRD test in the world
  • Opportunity for pathologists and oncologists to build trust with a local assay
  • Potential access to HRD testing in countries which prohibit central diagnostic procedures

Learn more about this real-world validation study below or sign up to our newsletter for more news and events in genomic testing.

1. Ray-Coquard, Isabelle et al. “Olaparib plus Bevacizumab as First-Line Maintenance in Ovarian Cancer” New England Journal of Medicine vol.381, no 25., 2019, pp. 2416-2428.
2. Denkert, Carsten, et al. “Homologous Recombination Deficiency as an Ovarian Cancer Biomarker in a Real-World Cohort.” The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, vol. 24, no. 12, 2022, pp. 1254–1263.