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Florence, Italy | June 20, 2024

Upcoming: ESMO Gynaecological Cancers Congress 2024

We are pleased to announce that Myriad Genetics will be participating in the ESMO Gynaecological Cancers Congress this June 20-22 in Florence. We invite all attendees to visit our booth 15 to learn more about MyChoice®. Our team is eager to discuss how we can work together to integrate it into your practice. We are looking forward to share updates and insights about our product.

Montpellier, France | Novembre 2023

SFSPM 2023

Le Pr W. Jacot, le Dr P-J Lamy, le Dr C. Villanueva et le Dr O. Haddad, ont abordé les thèmes suivants: intérêt d’un test de seconde génération et impact de la fiabilité analytique sur la prise en charge des patientes ; performances pronostique et prédictive d’EndoPredict en études de vraie vie. Des cas cliniques ont également été présentés. Ils ont montré l’utilité d’EndoPredict chez les patientes ménopausées, N0 et N+.

Dublin, Ireland | Sept 2023

ECP 2023

In Dublin we demonstrated how our portfolio of genomic tests provides best-in-class solutions to pathology labs. We also presented a poster on the Prolaris Prostate Cancer Prognostic Test that showed reproducibility across local labs.

Get in touch if you’re thinking about becoming our lab partner!

München, Deutschland | Juli 2023

Deutschen Gesellschaft für Senologie 2023

Wir waren dabei, als Prof. Marion Kiechle und Dr. Evelyn Klein von der Technischen Universität München die neuesten prospektiven, Real-World Daten aus zwei deutschen Studien zu den prognostischen Eigenschaften sowie zur Vorhersage des Chemotherapie-Nutzens durch EndoPredict teilten.

Madrid, Spain | Oct 2023

ESMO 2023

Watch back our ESMO 2023 Industry Satellite Symposium! Prof. Carsten Denkert and Prof. Pujol lead a discussion on how to compare HRD tests for ovarian cancer and the results of implementing LoE1A HRD testing in a local center of excellence.

Dr. Evelyn Klein also presents prospective real-world data confirming the predictive and prognostic power of an early breast cancer second generation test. Plus, an interactive case discussion of a G2 node positive early breast cancer patient.

Paris, France | Mai 2023

SFCO 2023

Comment les tests génétiques et génomiques influencent-ils la prise en charge, le pronostic et le théranostic des patients en France ? Regardez notre séance plénière pour connaître les dernières nouvelles et l’impact de nos tests pour le cancer du sein, de la prostate et des ovaires.


EndoPredict case study series

Prof. Michael Untch from HELIOS Clinic Berlin-Buch presents three clinical cases of ER+, HER2- breast cancer patients and how EndoPredict guided treatment decisions.

Vienna, Austria | Mar 2023

St. Gallen 2023

Here we focused on new prospective data on the EndoPredict Breast Cancer Prognostic Test, confirming its prediction of chemotherapy benefit.

Paris, France | Sept 2022

ESMO 2022

In Paris we debated whether HRD tests are interchangeable with Dr. Kirsten Timms, with a head-to-head evaluation between MyChoice and a local HRD test. Dr. Anastasia Constantinidou also presented the clinical validation data of EndoPredict in premenopausal women.

Stuttgart, Deutschland | Juni 2022

Deutschen Gesellschaft für Senologie 2022

Sehen Sie sich an, wie Prof. Michael Untch, Dr. Marcus Schmidt, Dr. Rebecca Leitsmann und Dr. Christopher Poremba in Stuttgart diskutieren, wie EndoPredict über den Nutzen der Chemotherapie bei Brustkrebspatientinnen, einschließlich prämenopausaler Frauen und solchen mit knotenpositiver Erkrankung, informiert.